TOP 5 Hilarious Fails on Facebook by Indians
Reddit, which calls itself “the front page of the internet”, often lives up to its claim, connecting us to people throughout the colorful spectrum.

Here we’ll see a subreddit, r/indianpeoplefacebook, that has a huge and vibrant collection of hilarious status updates, photos and comments by Indian people on Facebook. Well, if you are Indian, it might be slightly embarrassing, but you won’t feel much while you are busy laughing your asses off.
1.Starting off with this smart-ass –

Yes, brother, Indians were very happy not to have Trump, but now we have you *sigh*
2.What is worse than listening to endless “advice” from parents during exams?
Listening to the same advice from a complete stranger. From a different country. On Facebook.

3. It’s no surprise when Indians epic-fail English.
But sometimes, well..see for yourself

4. Despo Mode – ON
Coming are some posts and comments that lay bare the desperation of a few Indian men. Gotta appreciate the honesty and guts though!
This moment of realization:

Despo Mode: ON
“I am a righteous person and responsible citizen of the country. I am here to express my concern….wait a girl called me “friend”!

5. The famous “iNdIaN aTtItUdE”
From tYpInG lIkE tHiS to using weird statements to express themselves, there is simply no match to this Indian attitude. Sometimes they end up looking stupid, sometimes they are savage in their own special way. Whatever be the case, they are always good for a laugh, and absolute gold that’s gotta be shared with everyone you know!
This guy with mad photoshop skills and madder confidence!

Now, we all have that one friend who gives crazy relationship advice. They come up with weird ideas to confess to your crushes, or handle your ex. Imagine that friend, then multiply them by 10. Now add some iNdIaN aTtItUdE.
Congrats! You have this guy :
Come Valentine’s day, a few single people start posting status updates or share images to show they are perfectly happy being single. Some of them try to be witty and funny.
And fail in new and surprising ways:

5. The Cringe is strong with this one.
Everyday someone or the other wants to tell us how to handle our guys/girls. Advice, both sensible and stupid, is in ample supply.
But golden advice like this is a rare species, endemic to India.

Finally, I’ll leave you with something that is not from Facebook. It’s from “Google Reviews”, but still seemed like an apt conclusion to this:

If some of your friends are guilty of such fails, do let them know – they are not alone.