Searching For The iPhone 8 Makes Samsung Worried About You | Samsung Vs Apple
Everyone of us is aware about the Samsung Vs Apple rivalry. But Samsung just took it to another level.
So I came across this Google result and was amazed to see the smartness and the humor behind such an out-of-the-box brilliant marketing strategy of Samsung. Apple has always been known for its brilliant marketing techniques, and Samsung always gets an “Edge” over Apple.
Quite frequently, Samsung has used advertisements cleverly to make fun of Apple, or, like in the case below, to dissuade users from buying an iPhone 8.

Ain’t that smart ?
But what if I told you Samsung has made many more ads to make fun of Apple. From big ad campaigns, to small subtle ones like the one above, Samsung takes every chance it gets to win this Samsung vs Apple rivarly.
Apple fanboys, you might not like these, but you’ll have to admit they are funny. For those who already think Apple is overrated, its my treat.
1. Virtual Queue – Because physical ones are for backward Apple fanboys
Samsung’s Virtual Queue campaign to promote the launch of the Galaxy S4 in New Zealand served a dual purpose.
First, for the launch, you could get in a virtual queue a week in advance, moving ahead in the queue by sharing S4’s features on social media. The more your friends reacted, shared, and re-tweeted, the more places you gained in the queue.
This was a powerful and cost effective way to advertise while involving and benefitting the fans at the same time. As per a report, it generated a reach to more than 15 million people.
Second, by using a virtual queue, it poked fun at competitors (Apple) that still rely on physical queues…So backward, right?
Do check out this video of the campaign, it is quite vibrant and fun:
2. Samsung Galaxy S2 – Making fun of Apple’s “Next Big Thing”
This simple but brilliant ad mocks the Apple fanboys, iFans, if I may, while smoothly depicting the features of its S2. The ad shows an hour-long queue for an unnamed phone while the people waiting express doubts and concerns about the phone they are in the line to buy.
No one needs to spell it out, we all know which phone “looks the same as the last version.”
Take a look :
3. Samsung Galaxy Note – Already has features you *might* get in the next iPhone
This ad was similar to the last one, just more sassy and musical. Galaxy Note was unique and fresh when it came out, and Samsung wanted that to reflect in the ad.
4. This one for the Game of Thrones fans
What better way to make fun of your competitor than to do it through a beloved character from Game of Thrones. Who, you ask?
Hodor has joined the ranks of people who hilariously mock Apple.
And if there is an Apple fanboy you want to annoy, share!