11 Things You’ll Relate To If You’ve Been In A Relationship
Have been in a relationship? Go on! Read along. We got a list of “Things You’ll Relate To If You’ve Been In A Relationship.”
CAUTION: Hold tight! The coaster might be bumpier than you are imagining and it might scratch a lil’ skin out of your memories or the present struggle!
1) The Proposal

Well, let’s start from the start. Yes, the very obvious step is to ask your crush out for a date. So, If you’re the one to be approached, you’re on that mountain top where everything seems simple and petty!
But, if you are the one to propose, then you must have had a time where you would have been like ‘Mel krade rabba!’.
Propose karne mein itna time lageyga…toh woh tujhe dispose kr ke chali jayegi!
2) The Beginning

The beginnings are always subtle; and are decorated with fine wine dines, cheesy cliché lines and with a constant urge of impressing one another!
We know you’ve been there!
Pehla pehla pyaar hai, pehli pehli baar hai!
3) Baby, You Should Change This!

She likes me and I like her, we don’t feel the need to change anything in each other. – UTTERS MOUTH
Gosh! I miss watching cricket, unplanned trips, wasted weekends with my chuddy buddies, not showering for 10 days straight and also a thousand changes I made in myself! – SCREAMS THE HEART
But then, she is again like, ‘You’ve changed! You are not the same person.’
Badal ke meri tum zindagani, kahi badal na jaana sanam!
4) When She Sees You Talking To Another Girl

If you say that your partner isn’t jealous of your close friend of an opposite sex, then there’s a wild reason that they might be seeing someone already!
Let’s face it! There will never be a chance that your partner won’t ask you about the opposite sex with whom you just had a chit chat.
Aashiq hu aapka, saheli ka mat samajhna!
5) Odd Hour Calls

I bet you love sleep, who doesn’t?
What if we tell you that tonight when you’ll be fast asleep, at an odd hour your partner will call you for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON at all. Nightmare right?
This nightmare is lived by almost everyone who has been in a relationship.
Neend mashukaa ki tarah hoti hai, waqt na do toh bura maan jaati hai!
6) Time Crisis

No matter how much in love you are, you can never be two hearts in one body! Seriously, you can’t!
This highlights the fact that you two have very different bodies and different tasks to complete and supposedly at a different time; further leading to THE TIME CRISIS.
Everyone is aware of it! There is always one person in a relationship who can never have enough of other person’s time.
Koi krda hove je pyar sohneya! Kadar kridi, nakhre ni kride!
7) When You Have No Idea Why She Is Mad

Universally accepted by all the men who ever had a chance to peep into women’s world.
Blame it on PMS or just call it a casual mood swing, she will get so hyped at you and you won’t even have any clue what you did wrong!
PRO TIP – Don’t waste your time knowing what’s wrong with your lady, she doesn’t know either
Ishq mein sab bewajah hai!
8) A ‘No’ May OR May Not Be A ‘No’

Not here to take a dig at you ladies! But, you cannot deny that in our very own world a ‘NO’ can be a “NO’ or it can be a ‘YES’ as well.
Condolences to the men who face such situations.
Kabhi han kabhi naa!
9) When Parents Aren’t Home!

You might blush away on this one but you can never lie to yourself on what happened THAT day or maybe THAT night!
Who doesn’t like to get a call from his lady saying, ‘Come over, parents are not home!’
Maa da ladla, always prefers bigadna!
10) The Goofy Way

Goofiness is our favorite from the list of “Things You’ll Relate To If You’ve Been In A Relationship.” As the relationship transcends and your habits are all bare, you can act all goofy, crazy and weird around your partner!
There is no need of cliché lines, a shower of compliments, constant need to look best or to eat salad like you did on your initial dates to hide the glutton inside of you. *Winkey Winkey*
Jaan khati bahot hai, but jaan hai tu!
11) Love That Exists

Whatever the struggle you might go through, the fact is if you’re with them, you guys are surely in love! Despite of all the insensate mistakes, ruthless fights or communication gaps, love is what binds you two together.
If seeing them after a long day, or getting their glance cheers you up; then they are the one!
Green hai angoor, kele ka rang peela hai.
Kehdo saari duniya se, Ram ki Leela hai!
So this was our list of “Things You’ll Relate To If You’ve Been In A Relationship.” Don’t shy away and share it with your better half!