7 Best Travel Movies to Watch Before you Travel Next
Hail Travelers! To spur up your travel keeda, we have handpicked the 7 Best Travel Movies. Before you travel next time to some exotic place, we present to you some valuable and handy advice and suggestion in form of these movies. AND NO, this is not the cliche ‘INTO THE WILD’ and ‘MOTORCYCLE DIARIES’ type list.
Every movie from this list you watch or recommend to your travel mate will fetch us some serious blessings.
Here is our mighty list of 7 Best Travel Movies
1) Tell it on the Mountain, 2013

Heard of the 2,663 Pacific Crest Trail? The bone-dry deserts in Southern California, icy mountain passes in the High Sierra and the torrential rains of the Pacific Northwest. Yeah exactly that, this documentary film tells you the insiders view of that very hike. Also and Alternatively you can watch ‘6 Million Steps’ on the same topic.
2) Blue Skies, Green waters, Red Earth, 2013

Malyalam Movie, You have to find the Hindi/English dub, its like investing time in your satisfaction. It is a hell worth of time. Story of two friends and their adventure, romances and life on a Road trip from Kerala to Nagaland. 4 Star on IMBD, now that says a lot! Watch this one before you travel next.
3) ‘Qué tan lejos’ or ‘How Much Further’, 2006

Though Ecuadorian/Spanish originally, the movie in English is a masterpiece. It tells the story of two travellers, Tristeza (Vallejo), Esperanza (Martinez) who meet up accidentally and then travel together to Cuenca(Spain). It is a romantic travel tale full of adventure.
4) 180 Degrees South: Conquerors of the Useless, 2010

From California to Patagonia, no not by land, by sea instead. Sailing, surfing and climbing enthusiasts you should see this one particularly. One of the most intense travel movies.
5) The Bucket List, 2007

Morgan Freeman fans, this one is for you. Two cancer patients run away from their wards with their list to do before they die. They travel wild and free. And for travelers it’s always carpe diem. So, forget everything and just remember qui sera sera.
6) Point Break, 2015

No, not a travel movie but a crime thriller. Still, it will inspire you beyond any limits to throw away whatever you are doing and unleash the inner adventurer and traveler to become all powerful. It is the story of adventure enthusiasts doing the 8 most extreme adventures one can dream of. Our personal favorite.
7) Tracks, 2013

Women! Mighty you! This one is a 1700 miles journey by a woman across the Australian Desert.
Meanwhile rethink and women don’t say it’s a boy thing before you travel next time. Also you may watch ‘Wild’ on the same theme.
Watch and recommend this list of best travel movies to your travel buddy. And tell us how good our selection is.